Javier Martinez led an illustrious career spanning a 40-year period as the hilarious, sometimes politically incorrect drag persona, Shady Lady. Beginning in 1976, when Martinez first auditioned for a weekly drag show in McAllen, Texas, up until 2014, when he gave his last performance at the Pegasus Nightclub in San Antonio, Martinez entertained audiences with a unique brand of comedy always stressing pride and unity. …
Coffee (and Cherries) with Jonathan Caouette, in Three Acts
Posted on July 22, 2019You send your partner a text: Tell me if this piece isn’t good enough. I need this to be as perfect as it can be. Your partner knows the significance of this piece because shortly after the two of you met, you fangirled out over its subject and maker, Jonathan Caouette’s indefinable, hybrid, crossgenre, tour-de-force film Tarnation—a capsule of a young queer artist’s relationship to himself, his childhood (and adulthood) in Houston (and New York), his sexuality, but most of all,…
Genderqueer Artist Stoo’s New Album ‘Supersuit’ Is A Real Catch
Posted on July 19, 2019In 2018, Houston-based genderqueer artist Stoo was ruminating over their intentions as a solo artist. Stoo’s music career had jumpstated with Bling St., a musical duo collaboration between Stoo and Luis Cerda. The duo’s EP, Costume, was unanimously well received, but the band eventually split, leaving Stoo with the freedom to develop their own voice and aesthetic. …
QFest 2019: Houston’s International LGBTQ Film Festival Returns July 24–31
Posted on July 18, 2019There’s something magical about the first time you connect with a queer character on screen. For me, it was Spencer Carlin in South of Nowhere (shout out to 2005!). Seeing someone who looks like you, loves like you, and is navigating similar struggles can be life altering—even life saving. The leadership behind QFest, Houston’s international LGBTQ film festival, understands the need for such representation. This July 24–31, the festival celebrates its 23rd year with an extended, seven-day lineup of more…
Be The Woman You’ve Always Needed: Standing Tall in My Truth as a Black Trans Woman
Posted on July 16, 2019I live my life by two mottos: “Be an unapologetic, bad bitch,” and “Be the woman and person you’ve always needed in life.” I am a strong, confident, and bold Black trans woman who is not afraid to embrace the intersectionality of her identity; one who is unafraid to take the road less traveled and to be a trailblazer.…
Queer, Southern, and In Love: ‘Fried Green Tomatoes’ and Quintessential Lesbian Literature
Posted on July 5, 2019I must have been around 13 years old the first time my mom showed me the film Fried Green Tomatoes. She said it was a film about fierce southern women working together to beat the odds and succeeding—something she knew a lot about. While my mom is a Yankee through and through, she married a southerner and lived in Tennessee for several years. She fell in love with the land and its history, an admiration reflected in her connection to…
‘Peru and the City: A Pride Comedy Show’ to Showcase Gay Life in Houston
Posted on June 18, 2019The struggle is familiar and has been echoed by countless actors of color: “There were no parts for me, other than the ‘struggling friend,’ the ‘drug dealer,’ or the ‘misfit,’” says actor and writer Peru Flores, who will appear in his own comedy show, Peru and the City, this month at Rich’s in Houston. Flores’ family moved to Midland–Odessa, Texas, from Peru when he was a young teen. In the small town of oil workers and farmers, Flores was taken…
Transamerica/n: The McNay Art Museum Presents Groundbreaking Exhibition Exploring Gender Identity
Posted on June 17, 2019A groundbreaking new exhibition opening on June 20 at the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas, is raising eyebrows across the nation. Billed as Transamerica/n: Gender, Identity, Appearance Today, the exhibition gathers 59 artists from across various mediums to form the first major survey of contemporary art to “explore the construction of identity through gender and outward appearance.”…
Houston’s Finest Queer Gutter Punk: Introducing Hank Honey
Posted on June 13, 2019In December 2018, Houston-based musician Hank Honey teased us with his first single, “Better Than This,” the precursor to his May 2019 EP release, Taste & Passion. The latter is a collection of earworms that offers the artist range, while insisting the listener get up and dance.…
Liberation for All of Us: ‘Up Rising: A Night of Dance Commemorating Stonewall’s 50th Anniversary’
Posted on June 11, 2019On May 30, 2019, a small group of performers and a few members of the Houston community who identify under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella took the stage at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH) to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising to a packed audience. Queer dancer and choreographer Rebecca French curated the performance, which was co-sponsored by CAMH and presented in conjunction with Stonewall 50, CAMH’s current exhibition featuring local, national, international, and multi-generational visual and mixed media…