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Queer and Trans BIPOC Artists ‘Shapeshift,’ Push Artistic Boundaries

A photo of Lechedevirgen Trimegisto, OUTsider artist.

The Austin-based queer transmedia festival OUTsider, founded by Curran Nault and co-founded by filmmaker PJ Raval, has long been known for pushing artistic boundaries. Last year, I was delighted to profile three of the festival’s BIPOC artists, focusing on how each found moments of liberation in their art during the era of COVID. Although I’ve since moved to my new home in Richmond, Virginia, I was excited to virtually reconnect with my Texas ties to interview a few of the…

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This Queer Non-Binary Femme Makeup Artist Wants to Look Otherwordly in Small-Town Texas

A photo of makeup artist Gayylien.

Spotted in Lockhart, Texas, just outside of Austin, is an otherworldly being shopping at H-E-B. Jeannette Celine, known as Gayylien, is a non-binary, Xicanx femme makeup artist who seeks to transform themself into a “freak” using makeup and body paint. "I just want to be an art piece," Gayylien, who uses they/them pronouns, says. "I want to be a freak. I want to challenge people's notions of gender, sexuality, and normality. I have the ability to transform myself into anything…

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To Be Queer and to Be Outside

A photo of being queer and outside.

Texas is rich in natural beauty. Because the state is so large, it boasts several different kinds of terrains and climates—breathtaking views of mountains, canyons, hill country, and plains. This beauty often feels like Texas’ best kept secret, as it may not immediately come to mind when people think of the state. I've lived in Texas my entire life and I'm just now appreciating the stunning nature found here—and how it heals me as a queer person living in this…

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Does Texas Love Me Back? On Being Femme, Queer, and Southern

A photo of queer southern femme Rachel Abbott.

I’ve lived in Texas my entire life—nearly 25 years, a quarter of a century. I love Texas. It’s in my blood and bones. I live for the margaritas and tacos, the inflated sense of ego, the trips to H-E-B, and the bright orange Whataburger cups. I even like the heat. The first day of spring, when the temperature creeps over 90 degrees, reminds me of being wrapped in a familiar blanket. The only problem is that I don’t know how…

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Queering The Enneagram: Self-awareness is the Original Queer Super Power

A photo of queering the enneagram.

I was raised as a little girl in the Midwest, but I never quite fit the mold. I found myself adventuring through the woods and spending hours in the Walmart toy aisles, fawning over the hot wheels, Star Wars, and Legos, all the while knowing I was “behind enemy lines.” I prepared back stories about shopping for a brother or a classmate’s birthday, knowing full well the truth would be unacceptable. Self-awareness came early for me, as it does for…

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OUTsider Fest 2019 Review: A Collection of Queeriosities

A photo of Nia & Ness at OUTsider Fest.

This year, OUTsider Fest celebrated its fifth year with enthusiasm, collaborative spirit, and queer BIPOC avant-garde delights. Artistic director Curran Nault and president PJ Raval opened their home to morning Conferences on the Couch, casual round-table panel discussions of the previous night’s performances and exhibitions, and created a space for the different artists to discuss their views and work through the lenses of different academically salient topics. In the afternoon and on into the evening, performative works ranging from theatre…

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