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Southern Fried Queer Pride: A Home-cooked Celebration of Arts and Activism

A picture of TAYLOR ALXNDR, head organizer of Southern Fried Queer Pride in Atlanta.

SFQP is described as being “cooked in the oils of our forequeers of the Compton Cafeteria Riots, the Stonewall Riots, ACT UP, and the many radical uprisings of years past.” The collective holds close to the political identity of being queer and bases their efforts in arts and advocacy. SFQP strives to provide an intersectional, radically inclusive festival along with events throughout the year.…

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One Pulse, One Year Later

A picture of a memorial at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida one year late.

We got up and turned on the news while I made breakfast for everyone. There it was: Orlando. Pulse. Shooting. Gay Night Club. Latin Night. Many Fatalities. We sat there stunned. I was living in Houston at the time, but had grown up for 17 years in Central Florida. My heart shattered.…

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