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Five Essential Self-Care Habits for Queers

A photo of queer self-care.

Self-care is not just Instagram fodder, Lush bath bombs, aromatherapy, and crystals. It’s not selfies, expensive beverages, salads, yoga poses, or even spa services. Self-care is actually work. And it often can be free. It’s akin to the psychological concept of re-parenting, or self-stewardship. It is adulting 2.0. It’s an essential skill that combats the effects of living in the relentless consumerist culture we’re steeped in. But don’t let that discourage you, because here are my top 5 self-care tips…

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On Being in Your Body: Queer Self-Love as a Radical Act

A photo of On Being in Your Body creators.

I first heard about On Being in Your Body (OBIYB) while I was working with a client of mine who identifies as a gender non-conforming queer. We were talking about our positive experiences and connections via Instagram and she couldn’t stop singing the praises of this project to help womxn, queer, and non-binary humans to reclaim their bodies through art, writing, and human connection.…

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