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A Colorful Guide to Your First Houston Pride

If you don’t know what to expect, Pride may feel a bit overwhelming. But don’t fret, first-timers! We’ve put together a guide for everything you need to know about the event, as well as essential ways to make the most of out of this beautifully queer day.…

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‘Peru and the City: A Pride Comedy Show’ to Showcase Gay Life in Houston

A photo of Peru Flores in Peru and the City.

The struggle is familiar and has been echoed by countless actors of color: “There were no parts for me, other than the ‘struggling friend,’ the ‘drug dealer,’ or the ‘misfit,’” says actor and writer Peru Flores, who will appear in his own comedy show, Peru and the City, this month at Rich’s in Houston. Flores’ family moved to Midland–Odessa, Texas, from Peru when he was a young teen. In the small town of oil workers and farmers, Flores was taken…

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Transamerica/n: The McNay Art Museum Presents Groundbreaking Exhibition Exploring Gender Identity

A photo of Transamerica/n at the McNay.

A groundbreaking new exhibition opening on June 20 at the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas, is raising eyebrows across the nation. Billed as Transamerica/n: Gender, Identity, Appearance Today, the exhibition gathers 59 artists from across various mediums to form the first major survey of contemporary art to “explore the construction of identity through gender and outward appearance.”…

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Table For Two: A Thank You to My Father

A photo of my father and I's special spot.

It was our spot—a small table for two, nestled right against the partition dividing the bar from the rest of the restaurant’s clientele. The order was always the same: two chicken Cobb salads, and an order of cheese fries with bacon to start. The waiters knew our names, and always asked us how we were doing with sincerity. It was our spot.…

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Liberation for All of Us: ‘Up Rising: A Night of Dance Commemorating Stonewall’s 50th Anniversary’

A photo of Stonewall dance at CAMH.

On May 30, 2019, a small group of performers and a few members of the Houston community who identify under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella took the stage at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH) to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising to a packed audience. Queer dancer and choreographer Rebecca French curated the performance, which was co-sponsored by CAMH and presented in conjunction with Stonewall 50, CAMH’s current exhibition featuring local, national, international, and multi-generational visual and mixed media…

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Coming In and Coming Out: Embracing My “Too”

A photo of writer Jay Stracke and his coming out story.

For most of my life, the word “too” held great weight. It was the weapon used against me, the chain that held me down, the prison in which I felt trapped, and the sentence I believed I was given for my crimes, for being the person that I am. I’d hear the hushed whispers from the other boys in my class. My face felt flush and warm. The feelings of embarrassment and shame were pumped from every nervous heartbeat to the…

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Weaponized Womanhood: The Debate on Toxic Femininity

An illustration of toxic femininity.

Recently, my male, POC friend posed the following question on an online public forum: “Is white feminism ‘toxic femininity?’” This sparked a debate—mostly among women—who argued whiteness (which comes with systems of power) was toxic, but femininity was not. Others stressed that “toxic femininity” is a term made up by men solely to discredit the realness of toxic masculinity.…

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Spectrum Ensemble: A Journey of Queer Representation in the Classical Music World

A photo of Spectrum Ensemble.

On Saturday May 4, the Denton, Texas–based musical group Spectrum Ensemble made their debut with their specially curated show, A New Light, at Denton’s Black Box Performing Arts Center. “The energy in the room was magnetic,” Jaime Esposito, co-founder of the group, says of the intimate show, which had about 60 people in attendance. “It was exhilarating and the most fun performing I had ever experienced.”…

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