Over the past several months, LGBTQ+ folx have been overrun with spotlight as Christian denominations’ dysfunction has been prominently displayed. It has never been an easy feat to identify as both a Christian and LGBTQ+, but in the modern day, some would say that they are completely opposing viewpoints. Balancing the two can feel like hiding both of your identities under a rock. With the recent headlines surrounding the Southern Baptist Church’s and the United Methodist Church’s decisions on LGBTQ+…
Stories Untold: Five Black Queer Trailblazers Who Thrived in the South
Posted on February 28, 2019Black History Month has always been about telling the stories that have gone untold—the triumphant stories of the societal impact and progress made by those who were not always accepted as members of society themselves. In school, we often learn of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington Carver, Malcolm X, and Madame CJ Walker. As the years go on, we hear these same stories over, and over, and over again. And while these stories are important to celebrate and…
Adding ‘K’ to LGBTQIA: Is Kink Inherently Queer?
Posted on February 22, 2019We started out as the GLB community. Letters were rearranged in the 1980s, and we soon became LGB. The 1990s brought us to LGBT, and now, in 2019, we are LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, or even LGBTQQIP2SAA. Whew! The fact of the matter is that we are ever expanding and searching for the right acronym to represent the plethora of identities that fall under the queer umbrella. We bond these letters together to represent a common, shared experience between each—one rooted…
OUTsider Fest to ‘Unlock the Cabinet of QUEERIOSITIES’ in Austin
Posted on February 15, 2019Given the current state of our country, it is more important than ever that we embrace our queerness with ferocity. We must continue to challenge conformity and be as visible as possible. On February 20–24, OUTsider Fest, Austin’s annual queer transmedia festival, returns with this motive in mind. This year’s festival is appropriately themed “Unlock the Cabinet of QUEERIOSITIES,” and promises to be “a queer take on the cabinet of curiosities and its peculiar oddities.” Through this lens, OUTsider calls on…
Veer Queer Episode 22: Getting Sweet with Bootycandy
Posted on February 14, 2019Mai and Julien sit down with the Catastrophic Theatre to talk about Bootycandy, a production that is loosely based on playwright Robert O'Hara life and explores the complicated layers of growing up Black and queer.…
Episode 22: Getting Sweet with Bootycandy
Posted on February 14, 2019Veer Queer sits down with The Catastrophic Theatre to talk about 'Bootycandy', a play that explores the complicated layers of growing up Black and queer. …
Acts of Rebellion: Experimental Action Centers Queer Performance Artists
Posted on February 13, 2019If you truly know Houston, you know there’s no denying our ranking as a national contender in the competitive visual arts dominion. The city is continuously abuzz with new and up-and-coming gallery openings, exhibitions, and alternative art collectives. What often gets left out of the picture, however, is the avant-garde, activist-inspired, trailblazing, and authentic performance art scene. This repertoire is the city’s best-kept secret—one that deserves to be exposed and given some long-overdue recognition. At the heart of this scene is…
Rise and Grind: Top Queer Southern Entrepreneurs of 2019
Posted on January 31, 2019Creating a business is no joke. Between articles of incorporation and business bank accounts to mission statements and target audiences, it’s enough to make your head spin and send you down that dreaded rabbit hole of self-doubt and insecurity, only to spit you out the other end questioning your entire purpose in life. Dramatic? Maybe a smidge. But I think we can all agree that self-doubt is evil and has no business in business—we don’t know her. Here’s what we do…
Figures in the Shadows: Finding Queer Representation in Film Noir with Artist Jade Yumang
Posted on January 24, 2019Jade Yumang grew up as free a spirit as they come. Bouncing around his mother’s beauty salon in the Philippines while his father worked overseas, Yumang was allowed to be as openly himself as he wanted. The majority of his mother’s friends and salon coworkers were queer and, for a young boy and budding artist discovering himself, this environment was more than favorable for his personal growth.…
Working Out with Erica Nix: Making Fitness Queer Again
Posted on January 22, 2019I’m an artist, and Workout! With Erica Nix started out as performance art. I used to dance for a punk rock band and, instead of go-go dancing or dancing in this cute, sexy way, I would do aerobics and act crazy on stage. I’d weigh myself afterwards, get pissed off, and throw a huge fit and hump food, spray Cheez Whiz on people, and throw donuts. It was a lot of fun! A lot of people would come for the…