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Farm to Bedroom: James Stevens’ Holistic Sex Work

A photo of James Stevens, a sex work advocate.

Blue skies and warm light surround me, as the rich, delightful smells of a homemade breakfast fill the high-rise apartment. Across from me sits James Stevens, his warm, rugged mouth smiling as he talks. The only sign that we’re in the middle of downtown Houston is the low hum of the city below us. He tells me about the architectural and developmental differences between East and West Berlin, his European home for the past three years. Stevens is passionate about…

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When ‘The One’ Becomes Two: Top 5 Myths About Polyamory

An illustration of polyamory.

Polyamory, like many relationship expressions that fall outside the societal “norm” of monogamy, is largely misunderstood, often dismissed, and rarely validated as a natural way for humans to connect with one another. This dynamic is not as provocative or alluring as the media depicts, nor is it fraught with more complications that the traditional two-party relationship system. In fact, almost no mammal on earth is truly monogamous (yes, even those that “mate for life”). As queer people, our relationships are…

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Supporting Queer Sex Workers: How and Why

A photo of the sex workers red umbrella.

Sex work is term and concept that is, at best, misunderstood and vilified at worst. While almost everyone has benefited from sex workers’ labor at some point in their lives, few acknowledge this fact or think about the lack of support or rights that these artists and healers have in western modern society.…

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Why Are Straight Folks Obsessed with LGBTQ Folks’ Bodies and Sex Lives?

A photo of LGBTQ bodies.

So, who is the man and who is the woman? We’re both males. We’re partners. We share duties and don’t subscribe to traditional gender roles. At least, that’s how it is in my own relationship. And here we are, six years together, and people still believe it’s okay to ask me if my partner or I shapeshift into a lady behind closed doors, as if the notion that two people of the same gender can live together and share their lives,…

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